
Charity Chapter

Blueink Foundation is established to help the needy people to acheive their sustainability and basic survival.We putforth the effort and make use of our networking to do wonders. Donation is not only to contribute,
volunteering is the best way to do service.

" The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma "

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About Us

Blueink Foundation is established to help the needy people to acheive their sustainability and basic survival.We putforth the effort and make use of our networking to do wonders.


Our Motive is what we got from the society putting it back for further development of country.We are in a position to provide help and are capable to pull of the social need around the region.We are happy and thankful to be it.


Our Mission is making citizens responsible by making them educate and eradicating starvation death to fullest.


Our Vision is to build a healthy society through education and providing the requirements for the needful people.

Blueink Foundation

Our Motto

High Literacy rate

Education brings awareness and inturn awareness makes people livelihood better.We help some childrens who couldn't pursue their education dreams.

No Starvation Deaths

The basic need of survival is food.We do many things to live life better but some peope can't afford their daily meal.So we plan to offer meals to them making balance in the society.

Healthy Society

After pandemic, the world realised the importance of health in all aspects.We contribute by offering some donations to suurvivors making hygienic and healthy society.

Golden words

Kinds Words From our honourly people !

Our Dairy

Pages of Happiness

Making Smile


Tasty Lunch

Food Alms


Purpose served
Know More About The Founder

Navin Gandhi

“ We make a living by what we get ;
We make a life by what we give "

  • Name: Navin Gandhi
  • Date of birth: November 02, 1997
  • Address: Erode,India
  • Occupation Graphic Designer
  • Email:
  • Phone: +91-87782-57529

Contact Me

Never Hesitate to Donate when strikes on first thought and never forget to Call us !



Contact Number

+91 87782 57529

Email Address
